13 October, 2014
(Rinnovabili.it) – Ukraine, in political crisis and economic difficulties after the closure of taps by Gazprom, is not discouraged. And for the future tip none other than wind energy. The new National Action Plan, recently approved by the government, envisages development of wind energy with ambitious goals in the coming years.
The intention is to increase the energy capacity of the state, with regard to the wind, to 2.28 GW by 2020. This would be an increase of 500% compared to the current 410 MW. In addition, the plans of the Ukrainian government are to invest in all renewable, in an attempt to weigh less on state coffers dependence on imports. If he can achieve the objectives, the country would gain also on the plane geopolitical independence, being able to also increase their attractiveness to investors who at the time could be deterred by the tensions that run through the whole area. According to Sergey Savchuk, President of the State Agency for efficiency and energy savings, the volume of total investment (ie the sum of more foreign and internal) should reach the roof of the US $ 4 billion. The problem, of course, is the situation in the east of the country: much will depend on how it will evolve in the near future. The hope is to reach 11% renewable energy in the energy mix of Ukraine 2020, that could allow the country to bring down the consumption of natural gas by 50%.
Bisogna tuttavia vincere lo scetticismo degli investitori, che vedono un’Ucraina ancora indietro negli fonti di approvvigionamento locali e non sono spinti a mettere denaro nel progetto. Forse, tutto potrebbe cambiare se il governo rivedesse i target così ambiziosi attraverso la lente del realismo. In ogni caso, data la complessità della situazione nella regione, non è ancora possibile dire se questi obiettivi verranno raggiunti o meno. Le variabili sono troppe, e la questione è ancora decisamente aperta.
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