Blog - Photovoltaic

Photovoltaics is "booming" in Bangladesh

27 October, 2014

( – Why nobody talks about the revolution of photovoltaics in Bangladesh? The answer is simple: it is a small market and a State which is certainly not a great economic power. However, although you can not compare the total capacity of Bangladesh with that of Germany, China or the United States, there is no denying that the country has made great strides in the field of solar energy.


The latest news tells of a loan from the World Bank to the government, with the intention of financing 480,000 plants SHS (Solar Home Systems). Given that households in Bangladesh counted on average 5.6 individuals, this would be solar power to about 2.7 million people. But it is only the last leap of photovoltaics in the country: it is from 2010, in fact, that it proceeds to rapidly towards a renewable future. About the work of Grameen Shakti a non-profit organization engaged in expanding access to energy of the citizens of the State Asia. By the end of that year, the charity had already installed 520,000 SHS, giving energy to something like 3 million people. Today Grameen Shakti has almost tripled that goal, providing solar technology 1.5 million homes in Bangladesh, which means about 8.4 million people. If citizens who benefit from this innovation will enhance those directly and indirectly they receive a benefit, however, the number rises to 15 million: 10 percent of the local population.


L’organizzazione non fornisce solo la manodopera per montare gli impianti, ma trasmette le competenze tramite 45 centri in cui si opera per fornire le conoscenze utili alla produzione locale dei SHS. Grameen Shakti si occupa dunque della formazione di “tecnici solari”, che aiuta a siglare contratti annuali con i propri clienti per la manutenzione dopo la vendita di un impianto, permettendogli di diventare “imprenditori solari” in un futuro.

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