Blog - Photovoltaic

Photovoltaic roof is grid parity in 10 USA

30 October, 2014

( – Good news for US citizens who wish to solarize their homes. Right now, the cost of a photovoltaic roof has reached grid parity in at least 10 states in the nation. A considerable achievement, but which according to the industry analyst at Deutsche Bank, Vishal Shah, would be only the beginning. According to the assessment made by Shah fact, the purchase by the users and the cost of financing would be in sharp decline throughout the territory Stars and Stripes; the short-term prospects - indeed the very short term - are so good as to suggest even a doubling of sales of domestic photovoltaic and achieving grid parity complete in all 50 states of the federation before, only, 2016.

Charts published by Deutsche Bank clearly show how in 2013, the US had installed on residential rooftops around a 1 GW photovoltaic, or little more than installed in the same year in Australia, despite the obvious demographic differences. This figure should, however, six-fold over the next two years, while together the rest of the photovoltaic market in the same period will increase from 5 to 16 GW. Behind this positive trend analysis of the company it repents especially the availability of new funding. And if citizens currently have to deal through capital structures inspired by the Investment Tax Credit (ITC), one of the most important mechanisms federal politicians to support the development of solar energy that imposes a 30 percent tax credit on investment, the future is preparing to be very different. Deutsche Bank supports the diffusion of new models of funding determined by a financing cost decreased to 5.4 percent already by 2015.

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