29 October, 2014
(Rinnovabili.it) – White is the new black. At least if the area in question is that of the solar modules. He comes from Switzerland, in fact, the first photovoltaic white, created with the aim of making the integration building "aesthetically pleasing". The Swiss Centre for Electronics and Microtechnology (SCEM), a non-profit organization that is dedicated to applied research, reported in recent days that it has developed a new technology for the production of photovoltaic modules which are completely invisible to the white cells and connections. "For decades architects have asked for a way to customize the color of the solar elements in a manner such as to melt completely into the surface of the building like a second skin," the researchers explain Swiss. To obtain the special white panel (but the color may be green, yellow, red, etc.), The SCEM has designed and applied on a traditional form crystalline silicon high-performance, a nano-coating technology that acts as a kind of filter for the solar rays, by dispersing the wavelengths less useful to the cells below.
"The technology can be applied over an existing module or integrated into a new product during assembly, on flat or curved surfaces." The coating will also limit overheating of the module, prolonging the efficiency of the same. "Now we are able to change color to all existing panels or create custom looks from scratch. The solar modules can disappear; become virtually energy sources hidden. It is a simple, flexible and above all low cost ".
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